Would you like to make the World a Healthier Place, if your answer is yes, VitSupp.com invites you to create and submit an article on health care. We will be very happy to publish and share your views with everyone in the world.
We’re always open to guest posts from writers from all walks of life and from all over the world.
Please note the following:
We sometimes get posts that are poorly written, poorly researched, or are vehicles meant to advertise another business or product. We do not accept articles from:
- Staff writers representing other businesses
- Online marketing firms
- Commercial websites that are not providing services for professional writers
- Content farms
- Individuals wanting to include affiliate links to build incoming link SEO for other companies
- Essay/academic paper/online college/research paper writing businesses
Below are several of the topics we’re interested in. If you think you have a great article in one of these areas, or you have another idea you think we’d be interested in, please contact us. (Refer to our guidelines below.) We prefer completed drafts, but if you’re not sure of the topic, feel free to ask.
- Personal health stories of how and what made a difference to you, (emotional or physical), or vice-versa
- Tips for ways individuals can stay healthy and fit
- Updates on tools, gadgets, and technology that help people live healthier lives
- Ways people can improve their comfort, and resolve health issues
- Tips for how people can deal with the emotional difficulties stemming from health issues
- How unique conditions like cancer, depression, fibromyalgia, arthritis etc can be helped through nutrition.
- Other articles dealing with emotional and physical wellness for all individuals of any age or any gender.
Guest Post Guidelines:
Posts MUST have a wellness angle. Please note that we are a wellness site, so we’re looking for a wellness angle in your post.
All posts must be original content. We will check for plagiarism and copyright infringement, so please just don’t do it. You may quote up to three authorities in your post as long as you list the appropriate sources.
Posts must be of high quality. Our readers have come to expect quality material, and that’s all we publish.
Posts must fit with the mission of the site. You can refer to our mission here. We accept general health articles, but the content must be original.
Posts must not be used to advertise your products. We don’t accept posts that are disguised advertisements for your products. You may include your website in your bio.
Links. Excessive links or links that appear to be affiliated or spam related will be removed.
We do not allow republishing. Posts accepted by VitSupp.com belong to the site. We do not allow duplicate material. You may promote the article on your website or social media accounts, if you desire. Promoting does not mean you post the entire article on these forums. You may include a link to your guest post and a short sentence or two explaining what the article is about.
We reserve the right to edit blog posts, so please don’t be offended if we suggest changes.
We prefer to receive posts as Word documents, with an appropriate title and at least three subheadings. Word count can range from 700 to 2,500.
We prefer articles with appropriate sources listed at the end of the article.
Authors may include a short bio (less than 75 words), personal photo, and links to their websites, up to two social media sites, and up to two book buying sites (if you have published books).
We do not pay for submissions. If you decide to submit a post to our site, you do so with the knowledge that you shall not be entitled to any compensation for writing the post or for any other compensation related to the post. We do promote the posts on various social media channels, though we do not guarantee any particular site or audience reach.
VitSupp.com reserves the right to refuse posts that don’t fit with our mission.
Post removal.
VitSupp.com reserves the right to refuse publication or remove a guest post without prior notice to the guest post writer.
Contact us with your submission at anupama@www.vitsupp.in