LifeStraw Family Portable Water Purifier for Camping
LifeStraw Family Portable Water Purifier is a Lightweight and highly portable, LifeStraw Family is ideal to purify water at base camps, while car camping, or when camping with groups. It will purify up to 18,000 liters of water, removing bacteria, protozoa and viruses to 0.02 microns (20 nm). LifeStraw Family Portable Water Purifier is a gravity powered water purification system and completely removes the need for chemical treatment of water.
LifeStraw Family Portable Water Purifier for Camping is the award-winning and internationally recognized water filter and point-of-use microbiological water purifier capable of removing viruses, bacteria and parasites to protect against waterborne diseases. LifeStraw Family Portable Water Purifier for Camping provides up to 18000 liters of water, enough to supply a family of five with clean drinking water for up to three years. It’s useful to have at home to purify contaminated tap water in the event of boil water advisories or emergency situations. You can rely on the LifeStraw® Family to purify water from any freshwater source near your home. LifeStraw Family Portable Water Purifier for Camping is lightweight and portable. It is perfect for point-of-use water filtration while travelling or camping in remote areas. It makes filtering water a breeze at base camps or at expeditions. The LifeStraw® Family uses advanced hollow fiber ultra-filtration technology. Water is forced through narrow fibers under high pressure. Clean water exits through tiny pores in the walls of the hollow fibers, but bacteria, viruses, parasites and other contaminants are trapped inside the hollow fibers and are flushed out by backwashing. This is a highly efficient method of filtration.

Product Specification & Features of LifeStraw Family Portable Water Purifier
- Purifies 18,000 liters of water to 0.02 microns
- Removes 99.9999 % of bacteria (E. coli, etc.)
- Removes 99.999 % of viruses (Rotavirus, Hepatitis A)
- Removes 99.99 % protozoa (Giardia, Cryptosporidium)
- Reduces turbidity (muddiness)
- Lightweight and easy to use
- BPA and chemical free
- Requires no electrical power, batteries or replacement parts
- Exceeds US Environmental Protection Agency drinking water standards
- No aftertaste: LifeStraw doesn’t use iodine or iodinated resin chemicals
- Flow-rate of 9-12liters/hour
- Has an easy-to-clean pre-filter and purification cartridge

LifeStraw Family Portable Water Purifier for Camping: How it works
- The feed water bucket (2 liter capacity) is filled with water
- The 80-micron textile is pre-filter (inside the feed water bucket) removes coarser particles and is easy to clean
- Water passes through the meter-long long PVC hose and gravity creates sufficient pressure on the membrane cartridge in order to reach a high flow rate
- Ultra filtration takes place in the hollow fiber membrane cartridge – a pore size of 0.02 microns retains bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fine dirt particles
- The blue tap is turned to release purified water
- Backwash the membrane by squeezing the red backwash bulb 3 times with both taps closed and then releasing the dirty water from the red tap. Water from the red tap should never be consumed.
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